Careers at ART

We are currently looking for motivated PhD students, Post-Docs and Research Scientists to join our group. You can find the job descriptions on Tyndall’s career page or directly here:

Postdoc position

PhD position

When applying for these positions, please follow the guidelines listed in the job ad.

What if  there isn’t any open position or the position isn’t a direct fit with your interests?

We are always looking for well-qualified and motivated individuals ( summer/semester interns, undergraduate/graduate students and research professionals) interested in RF and Electromagnetic design of RF passive and active components and antennas and may consider your application for future research projects or fellowships. In particular, we welcome expressions of interests from researchers and students with interests in MMIC design or digital additive manufacturing techniques (inkjet printing, dispensing, stereolithigraphy) for printed electronics and 3D RF components. If interested in joining our group, please contact Prof. Psychogiou and provide your CV alongside a cover letter in which you indicate your research experience, future research interests and how these align with your group as well us when would you be available to start your research.

How will my research be funded?

If the position is open for applications then salary and tuition will be covered by the sponsor. Alternatively we’ll support you to apply for one of our prestigious fellowships.

For PhD students:

For Post-Doctoral Researchers: